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...www.floorsanding.org...020 7700 7985...robby AT floorsanding.org...

Below are hyper-links to pages of photos of jobs I have done Summer 2002 onwards. That is when I started systematically photographing my jobs. The latest jobs are at the top of the page working down.

Wooden flooring is either HARDWOOD or SOFTWOOD so I have divided my jobs into those 2 classes, so you won't waste any time looking at pine floors if you have an oak floor that needs doing.

............................................................................................................... INDEX TO FLOORS. ........................................................................................................................................................................................

1.....SOFTWOOD Floors Index..........Pine species floors indexed into room types.....

2....HARDWOOD Floors Index.........Oak, Ash and other Deciduous Hardwood Floors...

3....STAINED Floors Index............Floors where the customer wanted the colour altered.....

4..................FILLED Floors Index.........................Floors where all the joints and nail/screw holes are filled in........

5....Floors I Have Fitted Index.........As a last resort (when the floor is beyond redemption or concrete) I fit a floor....

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Section 3 above is devoted to floors I have STAINED after sanding. One stains a floor to alter the colour of the wood.....to make it look like a far more expensive old oak floor, for instance....although close examination of the grain patterns will indicate it is not a hardwood. Most people are not that expert of course.

I do not include every job here. The site would become unwieldy.

Section 4 is floors I have fitted. I do not do that many as I enjoy sanding much more; it is quicker, more fulfilling and pays better.

Below here is just for the search engine robots.

floorsanding,floor sanding,floor-sanding,floorsanding london,floor-sanding london,floor sanding london,stair sanding,sanded stairs,sanding varnishing,varnishing,oak floor sales,reclaimed wood sales,fitting wooden floors.